Doug Panner

Doug Panner

Doug Panner – Founder

For more than 15 years, Doug Panner has consulted for a wide range of businesses of varying sizes and industries. For more than six years, he has focused his unique abilities on helping clients by honing in on his passion for employee benefits, including healthcare.

Through his experiences assisting thousands of businesses, from single person operations to family businesses to midsized companies to large corporations, he has developed a solid understanding of how benefits work in each particular situation. He knows that each company and its employees require different benefit structures and options.

Doug keeps abreast of all the rapid changes happening in today’s healthcare industry. He not only works with clients to offer benefits, but also helps them understand the health insurance market, including the pros and cons of each option available. Doug’s vast knowledge of Panner Healthcare Consultinghospital networks, plan design, creating a healthcare budget, defined contribution plans, and health and wellness options provide clarity and confidence to clients under his guidance.